Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 25: Ding-Dong Ditching

Day 25
Saturday, May 5, 2012

80 degree days can't be beat. You wake up early, get a sense of the morning heat, anticipate how much time you'll be outside and can almost see the tan on your face.

When it's hot in Colorado, it's dry...very dry. When it's hot and dry what better reward for impending cream!

Creating a strategy of when and how you'll actually make it to Dairy Queen is part of the fun. Debating with yourself of if I plant these flowers now, then I'll go after. Or...once the dishes are done and a load of laundry is in...then I'll go. Or then you can all of sudden turning into the parking lot at DQ and asking yourself, how did I get here? Since I'm here, I better get some ice cream. 

  • Small oreo blizzard - check. 
  • Small double fudge cookie dough blizzard - check
  • One small vanilla cone - check
  • Paying for the car behind you with two vanilla cones and a milkshake - priceless

How the man felt that I paid for his bill:
I hope really happy and surprised. Many folks do this in the Starbucks drive through but this was the first time I had done it at ice cream. I do hope that now, hours later he can tell his kids or family about a nice gesture and the importance of doing nice things.  The DQ attendant said that if somebody paid for her treats, it would make her very happy.

How I felt today paying for the car behind me:
I love doing things like this. It's like ding-dong ditching and never being caught! You pay and then gun it out of the parking lot so you can't make eye contact with the person, the fear, the adrenaline and chase...I love it. And no, the car didn't chase me but it's as close to a super hero as I'll ever become.

Lessons learned:
I'd like to figure out ways to get this rush without having to pay for anything. 

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