Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 28: I love my coach!

Day 28:
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Remember the days when you played softball, you smashed the ball with your bat, headed for first base, your eyes wide open with excitement as you looked for your first base coach and overheard him say "go, go go!" as you rounded first base?

Coaches are amazing. They lift our little 3rd grade spirits, remind us we are awesome and capable of magic. So why did we have to grow up and say goodbye to our coaches?

As luck would have it, I have a coach that surfaced about 6 months ago. She's one of our executive coaches at work and she's so fun to be with.

My love moment...? I asked her to help coach me again. Today was our first day of "coaching revival" and I spewed at the mouth of all the things I want to do...place to go...things to write...speaking I want to do. I had no organization other than just waves of passion and excitement and she was able to categorize my thoughts into three main sections. An ability that totally amazes me...to listen to chaos and get it organized!  If, (when), I follow my passion, I will be a better mom, wife, person and employee. I can't wait to get started!

How I felt when I was being coached:
Like I had just crunched the softball and was rounding first base heading to second. I felt invigorated, excited and as if the world was mine!

How the world will react when I'm really on my life purpose:
I'll be embraced with open arms!

Lessons learned:
Sometimes you need to find the people that will support you!

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