Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 21: What's a day without UMIZOOMI

Day 21
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's usually 6pm by the time I get home with Izzy. Time to start dinner, feed the dog, fight with Kurt's' pants, pack the lunch, blah blah blah. Many days we let Izzy watch TV and we call it giving her some "downtime". If I'm really honest with myself, it's a lazy excuse for giving her something to kill time doing while we get all our ducks in a row. It makes me crazy that she's in the other room when she could be with me but things move exponentially faster without a child, especially when you have a time crunch. Fellow moms and dads, you know what I'm talking about. I wish I was that mom who was totally organized, ran a smooth household and knew what was for dinner. Well, that's not me.

Shocker: 7pm, dog fed, clothes folded, lunches packed and brownies actually baking for teacher appreciation week. I'm impressed. With Kurt's help tonight, we blazed through our evening chores and by 7:15, I was actually in my pajamas, teeth brushed and ready to relax.

What better way to relax than with Izzy on the couch? She was really tired today and when she's sleepy, she gets really cuddly and wants me to hold her. She climbed all over me, elbowed me in the stomach and used my boobs as pillows and yes...it brought me right back to her being an infant laying on my tummy. About 7:50pm I woke up watching Olivia and woke up again about 8:30pm watching Team Umizoomi. What was so delightful about this occasion was that Izzy laid on me the entire time.

When I hang out with Izzy, I like to do activities or do something. Watching TV isn't that much fun but tonight, it was so nice to zone out with her on my tummy. Gosh, I love being a mom. I love being her mom.

How Izzy felt hanging out:
I know she loved it. Although tonight I kept falling asleep, when we do watch TV it's filled with commentary from me, applying the "lesson" of the show and applying the situation to her life. But tonight, we just hung out and flopped on the couch

How I felt:
Really relaxed

Lessons learned:
It might be misleading from my blog entries...I messy house makes me crazy. Uneasy, tension riddled and anxious. If I tidy it up, I feel relaxed and at ease. By no means am I OCD but if things are in their place, I feel organized and ahead of the 8 ball. Kurt and I both need to work on upkeep which is so hard during the week with two people working full time. But...to keep sane, we both need to do a little each day

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