Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 26: Not much but a good cookie

Day 26
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Today we celebrated Mother's Day which I may add, was a great idea. In the past, we've celebrated Mother's Day on the REAL day. And what do we do on Father's Day...? Nothing because the dads want to have a day off. do I!

Somebody got the message that although it's always nice to be with family, my fellow mom-in-laws want a day off, and on the real day I might add. My day that I earn. My day that as much as I love my in-laws, I don't want to celebrate my day with anyone else other than those that make the cut.

Haven't you noticed that the older you get the slimmer your "friend" list dwindles? But it's a good dwindle and I love it actually. Having friends is like being on a diet...some make you emotionally fat, others make you emotionally starve. I've reached the age that it's like an audition with new people...what do you have to offer me? If I only have 5 minute a week to talk you while driving my kiddo to swimming lessons...are you the type that will be annoyed because Toddler Tunes are playing in the background or could you potentially sing the songs with me? If you can't sing along or at least hide the annoyance in your tone, you might just make the cut.

So, we went to my sister in laws and guess what Stacy...please bring a dessert. 

Whuaaaat? Hugh? It's Mother's Day celebration and don't forget to bring something? Fine.

Well, I could ask Kurt. But then we'd go to the grocery store and buy pre-packaged something. So what's a mother to do? I whipped out my new chocolate chip cookie with vanilla pudding recipe and cooked the hell out some mean cookies! 72 cookies sounds about right. Some with walnuts, some without. Some dipped in chocolate, some dipped without. I cooked them quietly, alone as to not make to much noise which would inevitably invite 10 little sticky fingers and a bag full of flour on my face.

Beep-beep went the timer. Buttery aroma filled the air. The sound of a cup filling with milk. I could taste the perfect blend of brown sugar and the grainy white sugar....could it be true....the cookies were ready. They were mine. My creation.

And yes people, what better treat than to take time doing something you love.

How I felt baking cookies:
It was surprisingly therapeutic. No one needed me, no one asked me to get them anything. No one asked me to play "I spy or "Come here honey, I Need Your Help Outside". Just me, butter and chocolate chips. 

How my in-laws felt when they devoured delicious, hand baked with love cookies:
They all enjoyed them.

Lessons learned:
When I'm home alone next, I need to bake. It really makes me happy.

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