Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 5
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Isn't this capture adorable! For any other moms reading this, you can totally relate.

Although I am far from Superwoman, tending to my family, friends, work, the dog, the laundry, (blah blah blah)'s a rare occasion that I find myself alone without something to do. You too right?

A real treat came my way on Saturday. My wonderful mother in law offered to watch our daughter. Now folks, my mother in law is unlike any other. She is truly exceptional. She does so much for my husband, her granddaughter and me there are days I relish in appreciation for her and for the fact that I have her in my life. I am so lucky. I not only love her, I really like her as a person.

Well, today was just another day of her I wonderfulness".  I dropped her off at 2pm Saturday and picked her up at 1pm on Sunday! Yes folks...that's like, 23 hours of "me time" (interchangeable with the word freedom but I shouldn't write that).

Literally, at 2:15 I was parked at the shopping mall only to return home at 8pm. Had a quick bite of dinner with the cutie pie husband and then he went to the garage to do manly stuff and guess what...! I started a fire, curled up with a blanket and watched a movie!

Point being...I took time for myself and it was absolutely magical. Although the blog was intended to show and share the love with others, I'm definitely counting my mommy time because come Sunday...I was ready to go, refueled with energy!

How I felt:

Lessons learned:
I need to do more of this and I actually can do it at work. Many times I work through lunch or eat at my desk. But if I get out and even go for a walk by myself, I'm sure I can regain some energy.

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