Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 3: Heartfelt the workplace you say?

Day 3:
Friday, April 13


Since Mom's stroke adventure, I knew the part in me that sugar coats and paints a pretty picture for the benefit of others "awoke". I cater to many people, I put everyone in front of me and am sure to say the right things. I wonder around making sure everyone is okay, no rippled waters when I'm around. But how does that serve me?

One major learning opportunity for me was to stop faking authentic, be myself and be that person everywhere. Even work.

Today I interviewed four candidates for a position here at work. Remember when you were sitting in the hot seat about to interview for a job? You had your long list of questions and would hope they were answered honestly?

I answered every single question 100% honestly. I didn't fudge, I didn't say the "right" thing to appease the candidate,  I didn't say what I was supposed to say. When my colleagues compared notes, they all were all stunned at my honesty.
When I was in my twenties I did and said the things my colleagues and bosses would expect me to say. In my thirties (still hanging on by a year) more "life" happened with getting married, having a child but I still understood my place at work. But now...I have nothing to lose but being as honest as I can be, open as possible and authentic as I am. It felt great.

How the candidates felt:
Hopefully relieved that

How I felt:
Really good that I pushed some "rules" aside and provided honest answers. For some reason, this felt great and very freeing.

Lessons learned:
At the risk of ridicule, you still can be real. Would it be a stretch to say I felt brave?

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