Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 19: Tilling the soil

Day 19
Sunday, April 29

Today the entire day was spent with my foot on my shovel, Izzy with seeds in hand and fertilizer nearby. As a family, we had yard day. From the time we woke up to the time we went to sleep, we were all outside planting and fertilizing.

Columbines are native to Colorado and are very dainty and pretty. I wondered why we didn't have more in our yard, especially since I had about 10 seed packets. As I was planting them, I was brought back in time to the generations before me who lived in Colorado. The settlers. As they were making their homesteads, what did they think about when they saw them? Did they too think they were pretty and dainty? Did the sight of them make them stop and wonder about the past?

Today was spent being in the moment and thinking about what life was like before me. I don't know if it counts as "love" but it definately centered me and made me appreciate the people who came before me.

How I felt when giving quiet gratitude:
Again, really centered. As frustrating as it was digging holes through rocks and solid soil, there was something very rewarding about it feeling like I was an old settler.

Lessons learned:
I need to visit the new history museum that just opened. I can't wait to see the new columbines grow up in our yard as it will be a link to the people before me.

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