Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 1: It all starts with coffee

Day 1
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well, can I say it started with a cup of Joe? 

This morning my family was running late, as usual. I made myself a cup of coffee and it sat on the Kurig coffee maker for about 5 minutes as I ran around locating barrettes for my daughter, applying mascara and shoveling in bites of my cereal. I could hear it calling me saying, "put in the yummy vanilla creamer, stir me up and enjoy the first sip of me". 

My husband appeared. 

He loves coffee and he especially loves it when I make him coffee, which I rarely do. In a matter of 2 seconds I had the debate of..."I'm running super late and I claim that coffee over there that I made" or, "should I give this coffee away"? 

Yup, you guessed it. I gave it away.

How my husbands felt: 
Good. I think he appreciated it.

How I felt: 
I felt like a nice person, a good wife offering coffee. On the flip side, I felt a little lame. I mean it's coffee, not earth shattering random act of kindness.  I'm actually a bit embarrassed to have claimed this as act of love. I need to step it up.

Lesson learned:
It took me less than 1 minute to make the coffee and give it away. Proof that it's not that time consuming to be generous.


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