Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 14: It's true but we each take a turn

Day 14
Tuesday, April 23, 2012

There are things in marriage that you just do because you should.

My husband never folds his clean clothes and often times, uses the dryer as his personal closet. That is, until I get a hold of them and throw them on the bed. Sometimes for giggles I even tuck all his clothes in the bed on his side (insert evil laugh). It makes for a funny moment until the next morning all of the clean clothes that were in the bed are now on the floor. And you know once they hit the floor, they somehow are dirty again which means the entire laundry episode begins again.

Last Sunday we did laundry all day long. I found myself yet again cursing at his darn pants and sweaters thinking, "you...here...again"!

I tossed all his clothes on the bed and let them sit there. It's not a gentle toss, it's a throw that makes a statement.  I'd walk away and distract myself to only realized upon my return, they were still sitting there. Helpless these little pants and shirts were for they had no owner to take care of them.

So what's a wife to do. Yup, I folded them. I may have used a few profanities but I did it. I even put them away. (isn't if funny that miraculously I know where all his clothes go but he doesn't have a clue where mine go)? I know, you can relate too.

Point is, my husband came in and was very appreciative. He was well aware of my laundry marathon as well as my general attitude toward my nemesis...his clothing.

But he was very appreciative and I congratulated myself on being an awesome wife who folds and hangs clothes because it was just the right thing to do.

Today I came home and we had a total role reversal. Our entire bedroom from the pillows to the curtains were being washed. Sheets, duvet comforter, down comforter, pillowcases....everything was being washed. And no, I didn't do anything to help.

What's the point? In seeing him literally do laundry for 4+ hours, I then congratulated myself on marrying an amazing guy. But now you should see our house, it's sparkling. When he makes an effort, I make an effort and together we do amazing things. So what did I really do today that justifies an entry? I worked with my husband around the house.

My dad says that marriage is never 50/50 and it's more like 80/20. Each partner takes turns at playing the 80 and 20 part and it's a give and take. Some days you fold clothes and some days someone washes pillowcases.

What Kurt and I both learned today:
We both were reminded that when we do nice things for one another, the reward is worth it. We are unstoppable when we realize we're playing on the same team.

Lessons learned:
There are silly little areas around the house that "belong" to Kurt for example, the outside of the house. If he uses a hose and forgets to wrap it up...I typically check out and say, "nope, not mine. He used it last". Instead, what I need to do is wrap it up, swallow the profanities and smile. Because hopefully, he will have cleaned all the dirty dishes I left in the kitchen!

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