Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 17: To love is to be loved

Day 17:
Friday, April 27, 2012

Today was just a normal Friday and I couldn't really think of anything that would qualify for the "love" moment. It all changed when I knocked my head against something and said, "ooooooouch"!

When was the last time you really bonked your head? Remember the aftermath, the few moments you have to be quiet while you try to determine the source that caused the pain?

As I was touching my head, Izzy ran right up to me and started whipping my hair around as she was diligently rubbing my head and telling me I would be okay. Moments passed and my eyes must have still been closed and she kept at it..."mommy, you're gonna be okay. The pain will pass. There, do you feel better"?

The second your child got a boo boo, you raced to the scene. Band-aide?  Rubbing alcohol? Got'em. We also have the magical power of a kiss to make things better. Remember after the kiss, the hug that followed? Do you recall how wonderful and delightful it felt? A few quiet moments of just holding your baby made the boo boo worth it.

I found myself holding Izzy, or rather, letting Izzy hold me.  I let her continue to rub my head and pat my back and sucked up every second of it.  The pain was subsiding but we still clung to each other. As our kids grow older, their hugs get shorter, have you noticed that?

The next time I closed my eyes, it was so steal a  moment in time to whisper into Izzys ear how much I loved her and thanked her for loving me.

What qualifies for my "love" moment? Letting Izzy love me.

How Izzy felt:
Kids love to feel needed, special and helpful. Izzy hit the mark today and I know it made her happy.

How I felt:
Wonderful and lucky that I have a little girl that likes to nurture.

Lessons learned:
To always, always, always allow my daughter to show me and give me love and to not rush.

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